Essential Information About the Clean Energy Transformation

AltEnergy Industry Directory

Generating : 544
In Development : 1370
Total : 1914
Capacity (MW)
Generating: 45192.2599
In Development: 514275.57
Total : 559467.8299
For Controling Your Energy Production

We achieve this through our four Service offerings:

AltEnergy collects essential large-scale renewable energy project data from across Australia and New Zealand. Our aim is to provide users with the most accurate, comprehensive and up-to-date Australia and New Zealand large-scale renewable energy project information available.

The premium Megawatt Package provides full access to AltEnergy’s massive and ever-growing project database, including special features.
The Kilowatt Package is a cost-effective way to find out the basics about what’s happening in the utility-scale renewable energy market.
Each week (48 editions/year) subscribers receive by email a news report covering all the significant activity of industry.
Our directory gathers together industry contacts - including project developers, suppliers, trades and services - in one convenient, searchable online database.