Landowners attracting renewable energy projects to their properties
Published Date: 2025-March-11, Tuesday
In further evidence
landowners are becoming more active in securing renewable energy projects for
their properties, owners of the Lyndley Station in . . .
Avenis Energy joining in the big battery party
Published Date: 2025-March-5, Wednesday
Sydney-based Avenis Energy is joining in the big battery
party with plans for four lithium-ion battery energy storage system projects in
Victoria an . . .
WA’s Wheatbelt becoming a wind farm belt – part 2
Published Date: 2025-February-25, Tuesday
New big wind farm
projects planned in southern WA reminded us of our headline from July last year,
“WA’s Wheatbelt becoming a wind farm belt”, . . .
Turning a potential negative into a positive; landowner plans Livingstone Solar Farm
Published Date: 2025-February-20, Thursday
· An example of an enterprising New South Wales landowner turning what could be potentially a negative situation into some positive energy Face . . .
BNRG Leeson builds its solar and BESS development capacity, with Victoria the focus
Published Date: 2025-February-12, Wednesday
BNRG Leeson adds
standalone battery energy storage system projects to its development portfolio,
making plans for the Leongatha BESS and Cairnbrook . . .
New masts to monitor at Eyre Peninsula mega-projects
Published Date: 2025-February-5, Wednesday
Amp Energy has
applied for approvals to install up to three meteorological monitoring masts near
Cape Hardy and Ungarra in support of its proposed C . . .
Goldwind Australia planning new Tasmanian wind farm, with eagles in mind
Published Date: 2025-January-30, Thursday
China’s Goldwind has put forward plans for its proposed up
to 450 MW Bashan Wind Farm, to be located in
Victoria Valley in Tasmania’s Central Hi . . .
Trina Solar lining up its third BESS project
Published Date: 2025-January-27, Monday
Trina Solar has submitted a development application for its
proposed Kemerton Battery Energy Storage System in Wellesley, 15km south-west
of Harvey . . .
Metlen’s Denman BESS would put the “Super Battery” in the shade
Published Date: 2025-January-27, Monday
Metlen Energy & Metals is proposing a massive battery
energy storage system to be located approximately 7.7km north-east of Denman
and 16.7km so . . .
AGL planning its first Queensland big battery
Published Date: 2025-January-27, Monday
AGL Energy has added a Queensland battery project to its
development queue, submitting a development approval application with the
Western Downs Reg . . .
SEI and YES Group start 2025 with a bang
Published Date: 2025-January-15, Wednesday
Sustainable Energy Infrastructure (SEI) continues its rapid
pace of solar farm construction into 2025 with two new projects underway in NSW,
the Mul . . .
Showdown looming at Meadow Creek
Published Date: 2024-November-28, Thursday
A planning permit application has been
lodged with the Victorian Department of Transport and Planning that is certain
to ruffle a few feathers.
. . .
Competition for prime substation locales heating up
Published Date: 2024-November-28, Thursday
Increasing competition for utility-scale battery energy
storage system development sites has been clearly revealed this week with two separate,
neig . . .
New renewables project developer starts its voyage
Published Date: 2024-November-8, Friday
A new Australian project developer, Voyager Renewables, has been
launched with the backing of multi-national fund manager Copenhagen
Infrastructure . . .
Vestas planning its third & biggest Australian wind farm project
Published Date: 2024-October-31, Thursday
Danish wind turbine giant Vestas is looking
to consolidate its position in the Australian upstream renewable energy industry
by making plans to deve . . .
Vestas looking to “squeeze in” a 2500 MW wind farm in NSW’s SW REZ
Published Date: 2024-October-31, Thursday
Vestas has joined the project queue in a busy part of the NSW
NEM and has not been shy about the size of its proposal, submitting a Scoping
Report f . . .
Missing the energy transition boat again
Published Date: 2024-October-27, Sunday
There was one glaring omission in the energy policy announcements made by the Australian federal government this month. Released in two tranches, the . . .
WA’s Wheatbelt becoming a wind farm belt
Published Date: 2024-October-25, Friday
has reported positive results so far from wind monitoring at its Shire of West Arthur site, located in the Wheatbelt region of
WA, w . . .
Renewable energy potential boosting land prices
Published Date: 2024-October-25, Friday
Over the years there has been terabytes of social media
posts and comments, occasionally breaking through into the mainstream media,
about how large . . .
After a pause, SA planners receive burst of new development applications
Published Date: 2024-October-2, Wednesday
New large-scale
renewable energy project development proposals in South Australia have been
relatively quiet of late as successful applications from . . .
Yancoal’s Stratford Renewable Energy Hub takes forward planning step
Published Date: 2024-October-2, Wednesday
Yancoal Australia’s proposed Stratford Renewable Energy Hub
(SREH), to be located in the Gloucester Valley approximately 95km north of
Newcastle i . . .
New developer Red Hill pegs possibility of lower-cost mounting for 900 MW solar farm
Published Date: 2024-September-27, Friday
Red Hill Renewable Energy has put forward its first project proposal, a 900 MW
DC solar farm and BESS near Bororen in the Gladstone R . . .
Moonlight attracts Brookfield to Greenleaf
Published Date: 2024-September-24, Tuesday
Last week Australian wind farm project developer Greenleaf
Renewables announced a partnership with renewable energy arm of Canadian
investment giant . . .
PROJECT UPDATE: Maison Dieu Solar Farm, NSW
Published Date: 2024-September-13, Friday
The exhibition period for Terrain Solar’s Maison Dieu Solar Farm, to be located on a site approximately
10km north-west of Singleton within the Hun . . .
DP Energy gets new wind farm neighbours in Euston, NSW
Published Date: 2024-August-22, Thursday
Energy is not mucking around with its renewable energy ambitions, with planning
underway for a massive, up to 2 GW project near Euston in N . . .
Rodds Bay re-emerges bigger and with a different name
Published Date: 2024-August-8, Thursday
projects located close together in the Gladstone Regional Council in Queensland
have been opened for public comment under the EPBC Act by the fe . . .
PROJECT UPDATE – Sandy Creek Solar Farm approved
Published Date: 2024-July-11, Thursday
Lightsource bp’s Sandy Creek Solar
Farm, located 25km south-west of Dunedoo in NSW's Central West, was
declared a non-controlled action by the DCC . . .
Pumped hydro suddenly running hot
Published Date: 2024-July-3, Wednesday
BE Power launched its second Queensland pumped hydro
project, called Big-G, to be located at Mount Alma, approximately 55km from
The . . .
Coal miners planning to add renewables
Published Date: 2024-May-2, Thursday
Plans have been released for two new large-scale renewable
energy projects in New South Wales on land associated with coal mining.
Whitehaven Ene . . .
EDP Renewables takes over large Aussie project book
Published Date: 2024-May-2, Thursday
EDP Renewables has hit the ground running after acquiring
ITP Development with its extensive Australian project book (see the project
table below as . . .
PROFILE: Bison Energy expanding into New Zealand
Published Date: 2024-April-30, Tuesday
Japan-headquartered, international renewable energy project
developer, investor and EPC company Bison Energy has quietly built up a
portfolio of sol . . .
Another tool for big battery “Swiss army knives”
Published Date: 2024-April-30, Tuesday
No doubt about it, electricity transmission is a hot topic
in Australian energy circles at the moment. It’s abundantly clear that
Australia will n . . .
Risen powers up its BESS project pipeline
Published Date: 2024-April-30, Tuesday
Risen Energy’s Coleambally BESS project,
a 100 MW / 400 MWh battery energy storage system to be located approximately 9km
north-east of Coleambal . . .
Plans released for The Plains Solar Farm
Published Date: 2024-April-30, Tuesday
ENGIE ANZ has released plans for its proposed The Plains
Solar Farm, located 33km south of Hay in the Riverina Murray region of NSW.
The project . . .
Proposed solar farms under scrutiny by NSW IPC
Published Date: 2024-April-30, Tuesday
Two new proposed solar farms in NSW
have been put under the microscope by the NSW Independent Planning Commission (IPC)
due to the high number of su . . .
GameChange Solar to team up with Bison Energy in Australia
Published Date: 2024-April-30, Tuesday
Solar tracker and fixed tilt racking technology supplier GameChange
Solar signed a MOU with solar farm developer Bison Energy for the two companies
. . .
PROFILE Dennis Freedman, Aquila Clean Energy APAC
Published Date: 2024-April-30, Tuesday
Aquila Clean Energy APAC appointed industry veteran Dennis
Freedman as Managing Director, Head of Australia & New Zealand, to lead
operations an . . .
PROFILE: Rachel Watson – OX2 Australia County Manager
Published Date: 2024-April-23, Tuesday
It’s been
almost 12 months since Sweden-headquartered OX2 made its first acquisition
outside Europe, buying Australian renewables developer ESCO P . . .
Vena fine tuning its Bellambi Heights BESS plans
Published Date: 2024-March-15, Friday
Vena Energy has further refined its Bellambi Heights Renewable Project making several significant modifications to its proposal, which will now become . . .
Is the BESS boom contributing to a wind and solar farm slowdown?
Published Date: 2023-November-8, Wednesday
The Clean Energy Council (CEC) recently produced some
alarming statistics regarding the lack of investment in large-scale renewable
energy projects . . .
Preconstruction kicks off at Munna Creek Solar Farm
Published Date: 2023-October-19, Thursday
Multi-national renewable energy developer Mytilineos has
acquired the 120 MW Munna Creek Solar Farm project, 40km north-west of Gympie
in Queensland . . .
Harmony Energy seeking consents for three NZ solar farms
Published Date: 2023-October-13, Friday
UK-based Harmony Energy has applied for fast-track resource
consents from the NZ Government for three solar farms that would add a total of
almost 3 . . .
Iberdrola advances plans for Sydney big battery
Published Date: 2023-September-28, Thursday
Iberdrola Australia is another major Australian renewable energy project developer pushing ahead with plans for big battery projects, seeking approval . . .
Wallaroo Solar Farm takes a big jump forward
Published Date: 2023-August-21, Monday
A couple of lesser-known companies in the Australian solar
farm development industry have reached a major milestone for their Wallaroo
Solar Farm pr . . .
Another Collie battery gets a boost with land deal
Published Date: 2023-August-14, Monday
ZEN Energy’s long-held plans for a big
battery in Collie, south-west WA, have been given a boost courtesy of a land deal
by a partner. Internation . . .
Vena expanding its Tailem Bend project with new battery
Published Date: 2023-July-24, Monday
Vena Energy plans to continue expanding its Tailem Bend
project in South Australia by adding a second, much larger battery energy
storage system of . . .
EPC contractors picked for Port Hedland hybrid project
Published Date: 2023-July-19, Wednesday
Alinta Energy has selected EPC contractors for its Port
Hedland Solar Battery Hybrid project which will see an initial 45 MW AC solar
farm and 30 MW . . .
Will a big battery replace an unbuilt gas peaker?
Published Date: 2023-July-13, Thursday
AGL Energy has submitted plans for a new 500 MW / 2000 MWh battery energy storage system in Tomago, near Newcastle in NSW, to the state planning autho . . .
IKEA adds more Aussie renewable energy capacity to its shelves
Published Date: 2023-June-30, Friday
Ingka Group, owner of the iconic IKEA
Retail business, has increased its Australian renewable energy capacity by acquiring
a 195 MW DC solar PV port . . .
ZEN builds on PPAs with project ownership
Published Date: 2023-June-22, Thursday
After concluding a number of PPA
deals over the last several months, ZEN Energy has jumped into the direct
project ownership ring by acquiring the T . . .
Three massive wind farm projects to be assessed by federal government
Published Date: 2023-May-25, Thursday
Referrals for three massive wind
farms have been submitted to the federal Department of Climate Change, Energy,
the Environment & Water for asse . . .
BlueFloat Energy announces latest offshore floating wind development in the Hunter Region – ‘Eastern Rise’
Published Date: 2023-May-25, Thursday
BlueFloat Energy has announced
plans for a new floating offshore wind project. The Eastern Rise Offshore Wind
Project is the latest in BlueFloat Ene . . .
Major players to spark additional large-scale solar interest in NZ
Published Date: 2023-May-10, Wednesday
A Genesis - FRV Australia joint venture has acquired its
first New Zealand large scale solar farm project, the 52 MW Lauriston Solar Farm
located on . . .
Maryvale Solar Farm could almost double in capacity
Published Date: 2023-May-2, Tuesday
Wirsol Energy is planning to almost double the capacity of
its proposed Maryvale Solar Farm, located approximately 15km north-east of
Wellington in . . .
Neoen launches construction of Blyth Battery in SA
Published Date: 2023-March-29, Wednesday
In what we expect will be the first of many new big battery announcements in 2023, Neoen has provided notice to proceed for construction of its 200 MW . . .
Ducks lining up for Wambo Wind Farm construction
Published Date: 2023-March-21, Tuesday
Although there hasn’t been an
official announcement, it appears the Wambo Wind Farm, located near the Bunya
Mountains in the Western Downs region . . .
Stage 2 of the Victorian Big Battery approved
Published Date: 2023-March-9, Thursday
Victoria’s Department of Planning and Environment has
approved stage 2 of Neoen Energy’s Victorian Big Battery (VBB2) project in
Moorabool, Vict . . .
TagEnergy joins Mt Fox development team
Published Date: 2023-March-9, Thursday
International renewable energy developer TagEnergy continues
to spread its wings in Australia by joining the Mt Fox Energy Park development
. . .
Voyager sails through its biggest Aussie project
Published Date: 2023-February-28, Tuesday
Solar’s 2P Voyager+ tracking system has sailed through its largest capacity
Australian project so far, the Mica Creek Solar Farm in Queensland . . .
Nextracker to go public with IPO & listing
Published Date: 2023-February-14, Tuesday
International solar tracker supply and installation company
Nextracker, a Flex Ltd subsidiary, has filed a registration statement for a
proposed ini . . .
First Aussie SolBank project for Canadian Solar
Published Date: 2023-February-7, Tuesday
Solar is planning a new big battery at Evans Plains, 5.8km south-west of the
City of Bathurst in NSW.
Panorama BESS project invol . . .
Energy Vault awarded first Australian big battery project
Published Date: 2023-January-23, Monday
Vault Holdings was awarded a Notice of Award for the deployment of a 250 MW/500
MWh battery energy storage system at the proposed 330 MW Mead . . .
Australia’s offshore wind industry; from zephyr to gale
Published Date: 2023-January-12, Thursday
Almost two years ago AltEnergy issued a warning that
Australia was being left behind in the offshore wind stakes. With two more
international renewa . . .
Macquarie launches new big battery division, Eku Energy
Published Date: 2023-January-12, Thursday
Macquarie Group has launched a new global battery storage
platform, Eku Energy, which will have 190 MWh of flexible storage capacity under
construct . . .
Solar plans continue under Sev.en ownership
Published Date: 2023-January-10, Tuesday
Czech Republic-based investment group Sev.en Global
Investments’ expansion in Australia over the last month included acquisition of
the Vales Poin . . .
RES doubles its Australian asset management business
Published Date: 2022-November-8, Tuesday
RES just announced its acquisition of infrastructure asset management business Blueshore, which has 1.6 GW of assets under management, to more than do . . .