Neoen launches construction of Blyth Battery in SA
Published Date : 2023-March-29, Wednesday
In what we expect will be the first of many new big battery announcements in 2023, Neoen has provided notice to proceed for construction of its 200 MW / 400 MWh Blyth Battery in the Mid North region of South Australia.
The battery technology and EPC work will be conducted by NHOA Energy, while Elecnor was selected as the balance of plant contractor.
When constructed Blyth Battery, to be located next to the Blyth West substation and connected to ElectraNet’s transmission network, will mainly be deployed to firm wind energy from Goyder South Stage 1 to deliver a 70 MW renewable energy baseload contract to BHP.
The project is expected to start operating in 2025. Neoen will be the long-term owner and operator of the asset which will be its fifth big battery in Australia, taking the company’s overall Australian asset portfolio close to 3 GW in operation or under construction.
The Blyth Battery is NHOA Energy’s second big battery project in Australia, following the 200 MWh Kwinana Battery Energy Storage System in Western Australia.
AltEnergy (www.altenergy.com.au) is currently tracking 112 big battery projects across Australia as shown in the map below.