PROFILE Dennis Freedman, Aquila Clean Energy APAC
Published Date : 2024-April-30, Tuesday
Aquila Clean Energy APAC appointed industry veteran Dennis Freedman as Managing Director, Head of Australia & New Zealand, to lead operations and grow the group’s presence in the ANZ region. Part of the Aquila Group, a sustainable investment and alternative asset management company which manages around EUR 14.7 billion (approximately AUD 24.6 billion) of assets and has a 14.6 GW clean energy portfolio, the appointment reflected Aquila’s expansion ambitions in the ANZ region. AltEnergy was keen to hear from Dennis about these expansion plans and his evaluation of the ANZ market in general. The full interview is available on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/altenergy-profile-dennis-freedman-aquila-clean-energy-apac-mnjje