Avenis Energy joining in the big battery party
Published Date : 2025-March-5, Wednesday
Sydney-based Avenis Energy is joining in the big battery
party with plans for four lithium-ion battery energy storage system projects in
Victoria and New South Wales.
The most advanced of these is the Deniliquin BESS in the western Riverina region of south-western New South Wales, located 6km south-east of the town centre.
The 120 MW / 480 MWh BESS project will be located on an approximately 7-hectare development site and connect directly into the 132kV Deniliquin Sub-station, located to the north-west on an adjacent site.
An EIS for the project was placed on public exhibition by the NSW state planning authority in January this year.
In northern NSW, Avenis is developing the Moree Battery Energy Storage System within the north-western NSW electricity network.
The BESS will have a capacity of 120 MW providing 4-hour (480 MWh) storage, and will be constructed on privately owned land adjacent to the Moree Zone Substation. The site is located within the Moree Special Activation Precinct (SAP), close to Moree’s centre.
In Victoria, Avenis is proposing to construct and operate Grahamvale BESS which will have a capacity of 480 MW with 4-hours (1920 MWh) of storage.
The project site is on private land, approximately 5km north-east of Shepparton CBD, within the Central North Renewable Energy Zone.
The BESS will connect directly into the 220kV Shepparton Terminal Sub-station located west of the project site on an adjacent property.
During the construction phase an estimated 120-180 workers will be required, with at least four ongoing full-time roles required for the 50-year lifetime of the BESS.
Avenis is undertaking technical assessments to assist in preparation of the project’s Environmental Impact Statement which will be submitted as part of the Development Approval process.
Also in Victoria, Avenis has plans for the 120 MW / 480 MWh Winton Battery Energy Storage System on privately owned land approximately 14km east of Benalla within Victoria’s Central North Renewable Energy Zone.
The BESS will connect via a new 66kV powerline to the Glenrowan Terminal Substation.
An estimated 80-90 workers will be required to construct the project, with approximately 1-2 ongoing operational roles created.
AltEnergy’s status of BESS projects across Australia is shown in the chart, powered by Rosetta Analytics.